On the eve of its annual tennis tournament, Twin Oaks Country Club's recently hired director is fatally gored with a butcher knife from the clubhouse galley; and the entire staff breathes a collective sigh of relief, knowing it will no longer have to tolerate the rodomont's nagging, criticizing, complaining and unreasonable demands. Agnes Day, granddaughter of the country club's founder, hires private-eye Mordecai Maccabbee to find the killer -- and he does, with clues provided by the club's tennis pro, Johnny Buffalo, who gives Morrie an eye-witness account that isn't entirely credible; tennis associate and local hospital E.R. nurse, Harvey Lincoln, who confides that the murder victim had been moonlighting in an illicit activity; and the troubadouring, idealistic, young Minister Ozzie, son of a prominent Christian evangelist who had known the victim, who reveals pertinent information concerning the slain man's past -- particularly, his relatives. Amid romantic overtures from Bronwyn Andrews, a beautiful and saucy folk dance instructor from Scotland, shamus Morrie competes for the invitational Men's Singles Championship, and inelegantly discovers that tennis isn't the only game he was playing wherein love means nothing. The Case of the Minstrel Minister is the fourth story in a series featuring this self-styled private detective. Each mystery is set within a different religious environment and challenges those values as the characters deal with murder in their midst. Parallel, Maccabbee's personal life is revealed and progressed.