The divas & demigods who stride past long lines to a club's entrance, make kissy-kissy with the bouncer, who enrages all of those standing in line by opening the velvet rope for them and them alone; they who waltz through the doors with a wave to the girl who charges everyone else twenty bucks; the upper-echelon fops and dandies and chippies; what is it that makes them so special? Who bestowed upon them the right to look with contempt and condescension upon people superior to them in all the ways that matter? Me, that's who. And I sit back and smile at the Lisas and the Heathers and the Sergios and Brads, the divas and the demigods, the upper-echelon fops and dandies and chippies, as they boast and pose and sympathize with each other for being an endangered species. An endangered species? I beg to differ. You are f@cking doomed. * * * * * Heresy is a series of five crime thrillers that, in the guise of fiction, cut through the numerous social taboos that prevent an honest discussion about the self-destruction of the United States. They tell a story in the voices of a high school dropout in a South Floridian drug ring, a stripper who moonlights as a narc, a serial killer, a Satanist with conflicting values, and their victims and accomplices. A number of copies have been donated to Florida prisons, and convicts, having been attracted by the lurid subject matter, claimed to leave with a different point of view. In fact, one black supremacist, after reading about the origins of racism in the US, approached the author and asked if it was true. When he was assured that it was, and that he could be provided with an extensive bibliography to corroborate the research, he said that the book had really opened his eyes, and that he was going to show it to some of his brothers. It may be only a small victory, but it's a start.