Harlow Harrison has just moved into a new apartment. The only problem is that Harlow thinks she can do everything on her own when it's better to leave it to a professional After a disastrous water leak and an emergency call, the man that comes to her rescue might be more than she can handle.Butch Barton is busy running his company and raising his adopted twin sons. They're almost ready for college and he doesn't know what he's going to do with himself when they're gone. One night on an emergency call he meets a young woman who calls to every dark place inside him. He's old enough to be her dad and he has to keep his distance. The only problem is, Harlow doesn't agree and it won't take long for her to break down his resolve. Warning: Butch isn't too old to find love and Harlow isn't too young to be taken like she wants. Find out what happens when these two finally give in to what their bodies have been begging for.