Her name is Mama Nostromento and someone close to her has been murdered. She may be the only one who knows why. But the truth is locked inside her mind, lost in a tangle of thoughts as a neurovirus ravages her memory.
Enterman, expert in intuition and reluctant investigator of strange events, is called in to find the answer and Rita St. John, a beautiful and very uncommon bodyguard, is there to protect him.
It is 2050 and the worldwide communications net known as the Glob ties everyone together. But can all the technology of the near future, instant information at the merest whisper, help them to solve this mystery before time runs out?
The answer lies in a secret world, hidden from outsiders, under the ruins of old Coney Island. It is a world of mythic forces and dark rituals that threatens to overpower even the latest high-tech wizardry. Because Mama Nostromento is no ordinary witness; she is a banshee, gatekeeper for the dead.