Sophie Bangs was a just an ordinary college student in a weirdly futuristic New York when a simple assignment changed her life forever. While researching Promethea, a mythical warrior woman, Sophie receives a cryptic warning to cease her investigations. Ignoring the cautionary notice, she continues her studies and is almost killed by a shadowy creature when she learns the secret of Promethea. Surviving the encounter, Sophie soon finds herself transformed into Promethea, the living embodiment of the imagination.
Her trials have only begun as she must master the secrets of her predecessors before she is destroyed by Promethea's ancient enemy.
Alan Moore's entrancing masterpiece is presented for the first time in this Absolute format, collecting the first twelve issues of the mystical series and featuring the spectacular art of J.H. Williams III. This is the first of three ABSOLUTE PROMETHEA slipcased collections.
"One of the most daring mixtures of writing and art that you will every experience."--From the afterward by Brad Meltzer