LONG AGO, a fifteen-year-old Apache warrior -- his tribe's best marksman and strongest athlete -- is called to a ghostly fraternity that feeds on hot human blood. For his deadly new tribe he forsakes honor, life, love…even his name. The only strand that connects him to the world of the living binds him to the spirit of his brother forever -- and to the spirit of his brother's blood for generations to come.
NOW the blond, good-lucking Ridgley twins -- fifteen-year-old Beck and John -- are out looking for a good time and the right girl to fool around with. They know nothing of the horror that lurks in the murky cave beyond their wealthy Texas suburb. They know nothing of the skeleton-like creatures that crave human blood and revenge against the white man who vanquished the Apache nation…nothing of their terrifying kinship to a bone-chilling evil that yearns to leap to life, to stalk the earth from beyond the grave.