A seminal series from a legendary creator. Dragon Ball, a wry update on the Chinese "Monkey King" myth, introduces us to Son Goku, a young monkey-tailed boy whose quiet life is turned upside-down when he meets Bulma, a girl determined to collect the seven "Dragon Balls." If she gathers them all, an incredibly powerful dragon will appear and grant her one wish. But the precious orbs are scattered all over the world, and to get them she needs the help of a certain super-strong boy...
Only Goku, Bulma and Kuririn stand between the Red Ribbon Army and the seven Dragon Balls which can grant any wish in the world! Using a submarine loaned by Kame-Sen'nin, the heroic trio explores a pirate's undersea cave in search of the next Dragon Ball, but gun-toting bad guys are on their tail!
Dragon Ball, the most famous of legendary manga creator Akira Toriyama's works, was originally serialized in Japan's
Weekly Shonen Jump magazine from 1984 to 1995, the series was collected into 42 volumes and quickly became an international bestseller. (In the United States, volumes 1 through 16 were published as
Dragon Ball, and volumes 17 through 42 as
Dragon Ball Z.) Widely acknowledged as a landmark series,
Dragon Ball has been adapted into animated television series, movies, video games, toys and collectibles worldwide.