After being sentenced to a purgatorial world known as Bajenie, for the crime of falling in love with a sworn enemy's daughter, Sebastian Radu is finally allowed to return home to Twin Magnolias....Filled with the hope of somehow reuniting with his beloved Daciana Matei, Sebastian soon discovers that what he assumed was merely a two-month incarceration has turned out to be fourteen months. It's now September the following year... and much has changed in Denmark, Tennessee, as well as throughout the world. Especially, in the realm of practitioners of magic.A tenuous truce has been hammered out between the local Radus and Mateis, and overseen by the EEC (European Elders Council) along with their extended families throughout the Earth. In addition, EEC 'constables' have been assigned to Denmark, in order to ensure both families comply with the treaty's terms.But the wild cards are 'Bas' and 'Daci', who must remain permanently separated for the fragile peace to be finalized. At present, Sebastian is restricted to his local neighborhood in Denmark, while Daciana is kept under lock and key in an ancient castle, just outside Bucharest, Romania-more than five thousand miles away. Worse, she is set to wed a Romanian noble who happens to be the descendant of one of the world's most powerful wizards.Sadly, it appears Sebastian is left only with the option of trying to move on with his life.But you know what they say about the power of true love....Amid challenges of navigating a pandemic that has gripped the world of mortals, Bas is drawn to the encouragement from a mysterious benefactor offering a path to attain his heart's desire. But at what cost?Caught between forces and factions bearing down upon him from all directions, the worrisome possibility of being thrown back into a far lengthier prison sentence increases with each perilous decision Sebastian is faced with. Loyalty to family and the greater good versus devotion to one's heart can bring dire consequences.... Consequences that await resolution in Witch out of Water.Acclaim for Aiden James:Aiden James has written a deeply psychological, gripping tale that keeps the readers hooked from page one. Bookfinds review for The Forgotten EdenA variety of twists, surprises, and subplots keep the story moving forward at a good pace. My interest was piqued almost immediately and my attention never wavered as I forced my eyes to stay open well into the night. (Sleep is overrated.) Aiden James is a Master Storyteller, whose career is on the rise! Out-freaking-standing-excellent! Detra Fitch of Huntress Reviews, for Immortal PlagueAiden James' writing style flows very easily and I found that Cades Cove snowballed into a very gripping tale. Clearly the strengths in the piece were as the spirit's interaction became prevalent with the family.... The Indian lore and ceremonies and the flashbacks to Allie Mae's (earthly) demise were very powerful. I think those aspects separated the work from what we've seen before in horror and ghost tales. Evelyn Klebert, Author of A Ghost of a Chance, Dragonflies, and An Uneasy Traveler for Cades CoveThe intense writing style of Aiden James kept my eyes glued to the story and the pages seemed to fly by at warp speed.... Twists, turns, and surprises pop up at random times to keep the reader off balance. It all blends together to create one of the best stories I have read all year. Detra Fitch, Huntress Reviews, for The Devil's ParadiseAiden James is insanely talented! We are watching a master at work.... Ghost stories don't get any better than this. J.R. Rain, Author of Moon Dance' and Vampire Moon for The Raven Mocker