A brilliant reporter, haunted by her husband's death...A disgraced cop, tangled in a web of lies...Two unlikely heroes. One unthinkable crime.The Crime Beat, Episode 4: Las VegasArriving in Las Vegas, Cole and Warren meet an FBI agent who may have information about the assassinations. Then a mysterious retirement party for the leader of the New Vegas Mafia has them questioning everything they thought they knew.Meanwhile, a chance encounter with one of Warren's old buddies leaves Cole shaken to her core and longing for home.Perfect for readers of Michael Connelly and fans of True Detective or Jack Ryan, The Crime Beat is your next bingeable series from bestselling author A.C. Fuller.Get Episode 4 now!The Crime Beat is a nine-episode novella series, designed to be read in order and in its entirety. Although each episode tells a complete portion of the story, the nine novellas--read together--weave one unforgettable tale.