Banesville: a small town possessed, hosts a Killer clever with carving knives, a lonely Medical Examiner, Dr. Carli Dozzi, who speaks to his dead, a young boy Cott, seeking a mentor and an escape, and Carol-Beth Chaucer, a lady jinxed in romance, open to mystery . . . Patrick O'Brien, assassin, a man with one mission, one reason to stay alive . . . Poised for a catalyst, this diverse gallery of characters is drawn together by an unlikely activator, a self-exiled, morose leader of the dwindling clan of Vampire, Wolf O'bellod. His blood necessary to convert the crude mortal oil into the Immortal blood, he has nevertheless rebelled against his leadership obligations and left his ruthless, libertine brother Abaddon to rule alone and to protect the Bloodfellows from eventual extinction. Pursued by Abaddon relentlessly, Wolf still maintains his liberty for 700 years. Yet the solo life has left him desperate for conversations, for validation of his being. Now his monstrous intellect is faltering, his memories convulsing through his museum mind, tormenting him. He feels the weight of his History, his Legend and yearns to speak of the misery, the splendor, the solitary glory, the grandiose and ghastly vampire existence. If he gives into his desire to find a woman for love and listening, to intersect with human beings on new level, will be find once again that people are interested only in what he can grant them and not what he can create or offer from his eternal intelligence? And what will happen to him when he meets at last, the mu rderer loose in Banesville, Vampire to Killer?