“If you love fantasy, funny humor, flatulence, and friends, then Aaron Reynolds has written the perfect book for you!” -- DAN SANTAT, author of The Aquanut, Sidekicks, and The Adventures of Beekle Another fart-tastic installment in the middle-grade adventure series by #1
New York Times bestselling author Aaron Reynolds and illustrator Cam Kendell.
The Great and Powerful Kevin has a new quest for our heroes… seek out another disgusting ingredient for his mysterious project.
High in the Frostflung Mountains lies the lair of a fearsome dragon named Glacierbane. Pan, Moxie, Fart and TickTock must venture there and fish a dragon-digested object from deep within a pile of dragon doo.
But Pan isn't having it. She's not sure why, but she doesn't trust Kevin. But when she learns of a kidnapped prince that needs rescuing from Glacierbane, suddenly this quest seems a whole lot more heroic.
Our young heroes will face their toughest challenges yet as they team up with a valiant knight, brave the air-islands of Frostflung, fight yetis and snow goblins, solve puzzles and riddles, face a dragon, and seek the poo they need.