There is no evolution without sacrifice. The weak must be eliminated, for the strong to rise. Devastated by Chris's death, Liz has taken to the streets of San Francisco in a one-woman war against the government. With nothing left to lose, she'll do whatever it takes to have her revenge. But even a genetically-engineered girl with wings has her limits, and Liz is up against an army. It's only a matter of time before her recklessness demands a reckoning. The question is â€" who will pay the price? Meanwhile, the scourge of the Chead, once a trickle, has become a deluge. Led by the ancient Talisa, hordes of the superhuman creatures are sweeping across the countryside, decimating towns and reaping bloody slaughter. Only the young are spared â€" so they might become Chead themselves. With refugees flooding the cities of the Western Allied States, the tyrannical government might just be humanity's last hope… The penultimate book of the Praegressus Project series by NYTimes Bestselling Author, Aaron Hodges.