“Enchanting, immersive, and beautifully imagined.” -- A.F. Steadman, New York Times bestselling author of Skandar and the Unicorn Thief“Perfect for fans of Philip Pullman and Tahereh Mafi” (Booklist), this lavish middle grade adventure follo...
When Yasmina graduates Ms Gillyflower’s Finishing School for Fairies she is reluctant to guard a tall tower (she’s afraid of dragons) or live in a tumbledown cottage (she has horrible hayfever). Instead, she moves into a narrowboat on Gos...
The captivating sequel to The Kingdom Over the Sea -- which is “perfect for fans of Philip Pullman and Tahereh Mafi” (Booklist) -- follows Yara and her friends as they change the fate of the kingdom and their magic forever.Yara may have stopped t...