Maruka Suzuki and her “Groan-Up” boyfriend, Mochizuki, are swept into a world of dangerous secrets -- the world of the Academy Game. In this deadly game hosted by an elusive mastermind, student-and-monster tag teams from various schools compete b...
Mochizuki is slain, and the devastated Maruka spirals out of control. Teaming up with the Academy Game mastermind, Gaku Saitou, she sets off on a Groan-Up killing spree…but still more secrets lie in wait for her. The motivations of those behind the...
Gaku Saitou has fallen, and he’s determined to bring the girl he loves -- Maruka Suzuki -- down with him. As a newly turned Groan-Up, he wields a demonic power that threatens to eliminate anyone and anything that stands in his way, and Maruka and h...