Clad in school uniforms practically breathing with life are the girls of Hoshimiya Girls’ Academy, their hair long and luxurious. When a puzzling incident involving the ever-mysterious and elusive student Hoshimiya-san disturbs their peaceful parad...
Elegant and poised, the Hoshimiya Academy third-years are every girl’s role models. While a lucky few train under them to attain matchless beauty, the rest are left starstruck in their wake. What could be the secret behind their alluring perfection...
Hoshimiya Girls’ Academy-a legendary academy known for its exquisite uniforms made from a secret material: human hair. As the school year marches on, the suddendisappearance of the girl with the most beautiful hair throws the student body into chao...
Although Youko resolved to stay by Hana’s side in Yokohama, when they return to the classroom, their relationship grows strained as Hana flounders in the wake of Hoshimiya’s disappearance. Meanwhile, Ayane expands her web to entangle the “littl...
The timeless little garden known as Hoshimiya Girls’ Academy, where uniforms are woven from students’ hair. There, “school prince” Hana and “queen of the dorms” Ayane are held emotionally captive by the Lady of the Cocoon, whose disappear...
The Lady of the Cocoon abandoned the academy, cutting the tresses as precious as her life in the process. Her disappearance shook the girls left behind to their cores. As Christmas night approaches, Youko seeks her out, wishing for a miracle… The t...