This collection of eight stories deals with the changing role of women in modern-day Japan, touching on the passion, joy, and sorrow associated with newfound freedom and its endless antagonistic relationship with responsibility...
Set in 1970s Japan, this tender and poetic novel about a young, single mother struggling to find her place in the world is an early triumph by a modern Japanese master.Alone at dawn, in the heat of midsummer, a young woman named Takiko Odaka departs ...
'Though their house was new, the wall had been there a long time.'In these two stories, which have never before been translated into English, Tsushima shows how memories, dreams and fleeting images describe the borders of our lives.Penguin Modern: fi...
From one of the most significant contemporary Japanese writers, a haunting, dazzling novel of loss and rebirth“Yuko Tsushima is one of the most important Japanese writers of her generation.” -- Foumiko Kometani, The New York Times I was puzzled...
'A terrific novel' Angela CarterKoko won't do what is expected of her. Defying her family's wishes, she has brought up her eleven-year-old daughter alone in her apartment. And now, after a casual affair, she is unexpectedly pregnant again. What will ...
An epic novel of postwar Japan -- a powerful reckoning with empire, catastrophe, trauma, and truth-telling -- by the author of Territory of Light. Mitch and Yonko haven’t spoken in a year. As children, they were inseparable, raised together in a...