A WORLD INSIDE All Hiroto has ever known is a life on a tiny coastal speck of Japan. Much of the country has been swallowed by Yokohama Station, a mysterious, ever-growing series of buildings that's been around for as long as anyone can remember. The...
TALES FROM INSIDEWelcome to Yokohama Station, a sprawling structure that has consumed most of Japan. This collection of short stories dives into more about the station and the people that live within and around it. An android’s chance encounter wit...
YOKOHAMA STATION HAS SWALLOWED 99% OF MAINLAND JAPAN Two hundred years ago, Yokohama Station, which had been under constant construction, developed the ability to self-propagate. Now with nearly all Honshu, the mainisland of Japan, consumed by the g...
Hiroto’s journey through the depths of Yokohama Station has led him to Keiha Nijo, leader of the once-great Dodger Alliance, whose technology allows her to obscure her location and evade the station’s robotic guards. The Winter War, tactical AIs,...
YOKOHAMA STATION HAS SWALLOWED 99% OF MAINLAND JAPAN With help from Keiha Nijo of the Dodger Alliance, Hiroto has followed the Professor’s whispered int imat ions to Exit 42 in the mountainous interior of Yokohama Stat ion. There, in the heart of ...