Chima― a world reigned by animal tribes, divided by the battle of the noble lions against the evil crocodiles. In "High Risk," Laval, prince of the Lions and his friend Eris, a warrior of the Eagle Tribe, engage in a training race on their Speedorz...
The eight heroes travel through the Outlands, on their quest to find the Legend Beasts, when the Eagles' Castle comes under attack from the Bats! Laval and his friends take on the bats, but Eagle warrior Equila crashes his Ultra Striker in a tree. Ha...
Once a pristine, natural paradise, CHIMA has become a battle ground for eight animal tribes. Best friends are now enemies. The animals fight for control of a natural resource called CHI, a powerful element that is both a source of life and potenti...
CHIMA is under siege by the ancient ice hunter Tribe who are using their never-before seen powers to freeze anything they touch or blast at. The only way to fight these powerful opponents is to obtain and master the Fire CHI!...