Set in post-war Berlin, a disillusioned former CIA operative and a Russian spy cross paths in their search for an elusive double agent....
An antigovernment coup in the Congo is an embarrassment, threat, and challenge--variously--to CIA officer Andy Reddish, fallen cabinet minister Pierre Masakita, Colonel N'Sika, and the American and Soviet ambassadors...
Haven Wilson examines an extortion plot and deals with lobbyists, ideological right- and left-wingers, arms merchants and members of the intelligence community, in a story of political power struggles in Reagan's Washington...
Political blunders and diplomatic hipocrisy lead to a bloody confrontation between Ethiopia and the African nation of Jubba, where jaded American diplomat Logan Talbot witnesses the folly of a third-world power-play between the U.S. and the Soviet Un...
In novels such as The Ants of God and Rogue's March, W. T. Tyler has earned a reputation as one of our very best authors. Whether writing about dictators on the African bush, the machinations of the Kremlin, or the equally mystifying antics of Wa...
In The Consul's Wife, W.T. Tyler returns once more to Africa, specifically to the Congo, where his protagonist, Hugh Mathews, a young foreign service officer, must cope with his embassy's ineptitude and its shallow-thinking bureaucrats even as he com...