In The Changeling Garden by Winifred Elze, when Annie and Mark and their five-year-old son, David, move into a grand old Victorian house surrounded by a jumble of gardens, they are not prepared for the terrifying adventure that awaits them. Little Da...
Enormous creatures from the Pleistocene Age invade a quiet Adirondack town, and these early mammals attempt to inflict ancient terrors on modern humankind. From Winifred Elze, the author of The Changeling Garden, comes Here, Kitty, Kitty....
Fiona Palin enjoys her new job in the box office of Schenectady's regional theatre: the comings and goings of cast, crew, and public are a play in themselves. She doesn't expect a murder on the opening night of the theatre's new play, "The Borgia Pri...
I have lived in upstate New York for over twenty years, during which I wrote these stories about places where I lived or visited. They include a story about birthing a sheep on Argyle during a winter thunder storm; a little girl auditioning for the N...
In an old vaudeville theatre, the ghost of a magician challenges an adventurous young psychic to a duel at midnight. The psychic accepts. She has six hours to prepare for the fight of her life.Her guide in exploring the theatre is Will Bradley, head ...