Jody, a teenager with literary talent, moves to the American Southwest. In the face of family turmoil, she resolves to develop her craft no matter what. Befriending a couple of free-spirited boys, Jody learns about who she is, and what it means to be...
How far will a father go to find his missing son? Psychologist Dan Davis sets off on a journey that will take him through unfamiliar and dangerous territory. The people he encounters are caught up in their own cauldrons of violence, drug addiction an...
A former private eye, Mickey O'Hara, takes on a case to pull himself out of a dull and dreary retirement. The job looks straightforward, involving eviction of a squatter. But Mickey and his quirky sidekick Martinez find that unexpected events overtak...
Tina and Maurice Shaw meet in the turbulent days of World War 11. They fall in love and marry before Maury joins the Medical Corps in France. When they return to the States, the couple move to a small town in Pennsylvania with Maury’s two Army bu...