This second anthology from the acclaimed Stone Soup magazine is devoted to stories inspired by animals written by children aged 9 to 13. Gifted young storytellers introduce readers to favorite pets, wild wolves, a ghost dog, and even a resourceful l...
At the annual Dragon Festival of the tribes of Qi, a young rat named Peyo defies tradition and declares his intention to seek the forest rat shaman. With his childhood friend Yao, and the lady Genji of Gong, Peyo embarks down the River Fluvinus in a...
Brief, absurdist, elliptical, exaggerated - interspersed with fragments of the world's greatest sonnets - City of Gustav revisits, fictively and fantastically, Europe before modernism, the theory of relativity, and the World Wars. Gustave M. the aph...
A lined writing book or notebook for writers of all ages, from Children's Art Foundation-Stone Soup Inc., publishers of Stone Soup Magazine and, matte finish cover, with a beautiful full color artwork by a young artist, and white i...
Since its founding in 1973, Stone Soup has published more than 9,000 pages of stories, poems, and artwork by children ages 8 to 13. Now, with so much material in print, we offer anthologies of stories on a single theme or in a single genre, as well a...