Former private investigator turned writer Nebraska finds himself involved with the murder of his ex-partner, a pornography ring, two different Mafia gangs, the decadent and desperate daughter of a senator and a political conspiracy reaching to the Wh...
Jack Castelar, a wealthy midwestern banker, lies dead in the snow a few feet from Nebraska, the sharp-witted detective who begins with this first piece of a very strange puzzle to put together a solution and pin down the real killer...
The third hard-boiled Nebraska crime novel. Take away the palm tree. Move Raymond Chandler to Nebraska. Stir in humor. And you have a recipe for William J. Reynolds' modern murder mystery. Los Angeles Times The struggling P.I and crime-writer Nebras...
The fourth Nebraska adventure is one of the most refreshing additions to the ranks of hardboiled detectives. An engrossing, well-crafted story with many bizarre twists. Top-notch entertainment. Publishers Weekly The private eye and struggling novelis...
The fifth explosive Nebraska crime novel, a Mystery Book of the Month Club Selection.After finishing a case in Minneapolis, private eye Nebraska gets into a fist-fight with a rich kid who has more money than brains. But what seems like a passing, unp...