In 1962, as Jack Paar leaves the Tonight Show and Richard Nixon abandons politics, P. J. Cooper, an eccentric English teacher, guides a group of high-school seniors on a journey of self-discovery during a vacation jaunt to the desert...
Like Down Under in Henn Boo this book is comprised of the e-mail messages sent to family and friends while on a ten month journey around Australia. The messages tell of the people, places and things encountered along the way and some of the tribulati...
“If you like fast-paced thrillers, intelligent heroes, and iced-veined villains, then you’ll love Bill Hogan’s high-octane novel!”
A heart-pounding novel of ...
One young boy, two species of feuding and shape-shifting extraterrestrials, a cantankerous long-lost female aviator, a prehistoric amphibious Ichthyosaur, and a Polynesian warrior all stuck on an uncharted atoll that’s been cloaked in invisibil...