The story traces the lives of Buck and Jed, two orphans, one born and raised white, the other white and black and raised red. It is the story of how each molded their gifts of nature and nurture, to determine much of their character, their personalit...
This anthology is a thorough introduction to classic literature for those who have not yet experienced these literary masterworks. For those who have known and loved these works in the past, this is an invitation to reunite with old friends in a fres...
Two Soldiers, Two Armies, One Indelible Connection... Hans and Levy are fighting on opposite sides of one of the American Civil War’s most famous and hard fought battles. They are the bitterest of enemies until brought together in a way that transc...
Until the nineteenth century, scant information existed concerning the ethereal species, known as Nosferatu, Vampire or the un-dead. These were the earliest of times in which modern man battled a very ancient enemy. Only distorted mythical accounts s...
I heard the eagle call my name is a love story, a story of Mark's love for Mary. Can a man love only one woman throughout his life? Mark believed that they had met in a previous existence and that love had remained inside him. Mark was haunted throug...
Guns Galore is a thriller based in London during 1970 to 1990. The main markets for weapons dealers are Europe with North America, then they search the world for more surplus guns to buy and sell.
Dealing has many risks. Although Guns Galor...
This book has been endorsed by former District Attorney of Dallas County, Texas...Bill Hill. Two brothers are separated as children and adopted by two sets of parents. They live totally separate lives which find them participating in World War II, in...
His trumpet came before all else. He chose the horn over the women in his life. His fall from grace could only revive itself through tragedy. This is the story of a man from New Orleans who became the greatest trumpet player in the world....
Johnny Eager runs a private eye business in the Bronx in the early forties. He is given his biggest case to date when a woman offers him a large amount of money to investigate her boyfriend. When Johnny discovers the man is a capo with the Mafia the ...
Johnny is hired to follow a young woman's husband who she thinks is a serial killer. Johnny gets caught up in the chase and the deaths of the serial killer's victims as well as a mystery note that continues to show up at his door....
Johnny finds that his job has become very personal and he may lose control of his good guy image. This time Johnny Eager has been totally agitated and the agitator shall receive all this former Marine's vengeance....
A fictional tale of generation after generation of sons going to war. From WW I to WW ll to Korea to Vietnam, to the Gulf War, son after son follow his father into battle, all with the same feelings for their country....
Four stories blend together as one to tell of how Charlie Bird transforms from city bound easterner to the quintesential comanche warrior. These gripping tales of courage, battles, loves lost and found are set against the stunni...
The dictionary says that the mythical Unicorn can only be caught by a Virgin. There is a serial killer that the newspapers have dubbed, 'The Unicorn Killer' because the police have been unable to catch him. Johnny Eager is hired to solve the murder o...
Two kids met on the beach Under Heaven's Veil of clouds and would pledge their love to each other for life. Separation of families, a war in Europe, terror on the streets of Paris, and drugs in L.A. set the stage for this romantic thriller....
Life on the plantation in the old South prior to, during, and after the Civil War. This is the story of one of those plantations, and the trials and tribulations of its owners and its slaves during a tumultuous time when the Ku Klux Klan received its...
Billy and JoJo fell in love very quickly, but JoJo had a sickness that kept her from being totally faithful to him. Julie was also in love with Billy and realized that she was the better woman for him. Drinking, sex, and a longtime lover would play a...
Two people knew from the start that they were meant for one another and nothing could ever separate them. However, something does separate the two because of one's pride and the other does nothing about it because of the deception. A series of events...
Johnny Eager is very familiar with serial killers since he caught or took part in the capture or demise of several of them.This time, the serial killer comes after him in a unique way. This killer is brutal beyond all others.Johnny must depend on the...
Two boys share a friendship that goes beyond the typical friendship. It is a relationship that bonds them for life. There didn't appear to be anything or anyone that could end this friendship. Suddenly, however, one singular moment would bring fury a...
Johnny Eager is renowned for his ability to find or kill serial killers. This time, he is completely baffled as witnesses describe two different serial killers, one a man and one a woman who are killing in some sort of competitive game....
Chad was a devoted husband with every intention of remaining so. Prissy, on the other hand, had no such intentions. She loved her husband but needed the excitement of extra-marital sex. A man can only take so much. Petra was single, lonely, and virtu...
Three children, two boys, and a girl became friends at a very early age and remained so into their adulthood.Both of the boys loved the girl, but it never affected their friendship for one another.One of the boys wanted to be a detective when he grew...
A young district attorney is guilty of a crime. However, another person is arrested for the crime.All he can do is pray that the accused man is found innocent. Otherwise, he feels compelled to turn himself in and destroy his lifelong dream of being a...
A young woman from Denver is raped high in the Rockies and abandoned. Now she sleeps with wolves.A young lawyer discovers the body and makes it part of his responsibility to help find and punish the rapist.A young lawyer discovers the body and makes ...
Caroline and Jamie knew from the beginning that their love was unique and binding. Nothing could separate them.The war made a difference.When Jamie was reported killed in action by the Department of Defense, Caroline did not believe she could ever lo...
Josephine is a small-town girl wanting to get out. She hates today and looks forward to tomorrow. Along the way, she meets Tony, who has his mind set on becoming a member of the Army Intelligence Corps...Tony is sent to France in 1944 with orders to ...