A compelling new novel combining history and suspense centers around the perilous legacy of the legendary sword of the Emperor Meiji, a medieval Japanese legend that has a profound impact on the bustling world of modern Tokyo. By the author of
Believed to have vanished - along with Jim Bowie - when the Alamo fell, the original Bowie knife is the stuff of American myth. Now the knife, with its dark history of violence and bloodshed, is rumored to have surfaced from the archives of a promine...
Can one of Silicon Valleys premier software companies be haunted? Impossible, says Bobby Race, CEO of the company and a powerful force in the information industry. Dont be so sure, counters Kevin Pierce, a talented but down-at-the-heels portrait arti...
Davey Bond is a 14 -year-old boy from Sacramento, California who is on the run in the summer of 1862 from a brutal guardian. On the Reno road he falls in with a scruffy young man in his 20s named Sam Clemens. Sam is a former Mississippi river boat pi...