The first volume in a series of maritime novels set in the early years of the United States, A Matter of Honor is a dramatic account of a young man's coming of age during the American Revolution. Introducing Richard Cutler, a Massachusetts teenager w...
Credited with vividly recreating an early chapter in American history with his first novel, A Matter of Honor, William C. Hammond continues the seafaring adventures of the prominent Cutler family of Massachusetts. Set in the years following the Ameri...
The Power and the Glory is the third novel in the historical, nautical fiction series from William C. Hammond. It follows in the wake of A Matter of Honor and For Love of Country, and features the adventures of the seafaring Cutler family of Hingham,...
A Call To Arms, the fourth novel in the award-winning Cutler Family Chronicles by William C. Hammond, features the epic saga of the seafaring Cutler family of Hingham, Massachusetts, and an ever expanding cast of characters, including real historical...
How Dark the Night continues the seafaring adventures of the Cutler family by picking up the action where the fourth volume, A Call to Arms, ends in 1805. The years leading up to the War of 1812 were devastating ones for the young republic. The life-...
The sixth volume in the award-winning series profiling the American perspective in the Age of Sail, No Sacrifice Too Great chronicles the swashbuckling adventures of the Cutler family as the United States takes on Great Britain in the War of 1812. Ri...
The decades after the War of 1812 were years of introspection for the fledgling American republic. Having twice prevailed against the military might of Great Britain, there was now no power on Earth ready, willing, and able to take on the United Stat...
A Return to Duty, the eighth volume in the award-winning Cutler Family Chronicles series, is set in Massachusetts and the Far East in the early 1850s during the aftermath of the First Opium War fought between China and Great Britain. The subsequent f...