Swept away in the midst of a disaster by a devastating emerald eyed prince, Jennifer Harper awakens, starbound to cities beyond her wildest imagination. Falling desperately in love with Prince Karo, their romance is interrupted by Drona, the Sorcerer...
Inadvertently cast in the future by his irate mistress, Drona, The Sorcerer joins forces with Queen Michelle, a white magician, and his arch-enemy, Prince Karo, in an effort to prevent the prophesized war of 2112....
Betrayed by Cort and her wealthy family, Annie struggles as an unmarried woman against insurmountable odds. Conquering them, she arrives at the peak of her career, faced with a dangerous choice, one that may destroy both Annie and her daughter, Court...
Cally is propelled backwards through time, awakening in Tombstone, Arizona, 1881. During her frantic battle for survival, her former enemies from the new millennium become her allies, along with Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp. Drake Butler, Cally's secr...