The boundary between fiction and reality blurs when actress Heather Langenkamp, who played Freddy Krueger's first and greatest foe, begins to have nightmares and is terrified when accidents start threatening those around her...
The developer of a superweapon that will guarantee U.S. military supremacy is dying, and only a frightening operation can extend his life, fusing him with another human being, in a debut novel from the director of
When God sends Musso to be Joe Willys friend, the boy has no idea that his furry companion will also be his teacher and guide.It is not long before Musso and Joe Willy become best buddies. Together, they play football and explore the woods. But when ...
Joe Willy and his friends are being tormented by a bigger boy. But with the help of Joe Willy’s faithful dog Musso they discover what it takes to deal with a bully. As Musso tells Joe Willy, to deal with a bully you must have GUTS and GRACE, gu...
Mister D and Me is an illustrated children's book about a boy (Me) and his dog (Mister D). The duo become not only close friends, but constant companions as they learn to take care of each other and do everything together from playing games to eating...