An urban landscape becomes magical in an enchanting, colorful, and rhythmic parable as Joseph, the odd-job man, shows little Lena how ordinary objects can be made beautiful and how Lena herself can become a princess....
A magical journey that celebrates the African sounds of nature. In the beginning, when all things began, these were the sounds which were music to man. Cicadas, crickets, beetles and frogs Seedpods, cocoons, hollowed out logs Crackling fires, the pat...
A humorous picture book that teaches children about African animals. A tiny guinea fowl chick hatches early one morning and lets out a cheep. Find out what happens in the bush when the cheep is heard by all the African animals. Written in rhyme by be...
Storm has a beautiful stone that her parents gave to her when she was born. When she holds this stone and sings, everyone in the village stops to listen. But when she is tempted by an old woman to sing songs that can control the wind, waves and the e...