Shouta Kikuzato’s hopes of starting on his school’s prestigious soccer team are derailed when a terrible incident costs him his leg. Now in his first year of high school (again), Kikuzato has resigned himself to never reaching his athletic dreams...
The race in Shibuya has given Kikuzato a taste of what running and competing on a blade could be, but it will take more than a new leg for him to truly be a contender the next time he races. Kikuzato needs to learn how to run, and Usami is only too h...
Kikuzato is sprinting toward his new goal of becoming a more powerful runner, but each stride takes him further from his soccer days -- and the friends who once played alongside him. Kikuzato’s wasn’t the only life affected by his accident, and e...
When the worsening pandemic forces schools to close temporarily, Kikuzato and the other members of the track and field club must find creative ways to keep up their training. The anticipation of his new custom running prosthesis is more than enough t...
As schools reopen and clubs reconvene after COVID-19 closures, Kikuzato is eager to try out his new leg. But even with the improved fit, his worry about falling like he did in his first public race plagues his training for the next. Running is as muc...