In Return to Rairarubia, the latest captivating installment of the Rairarubia Tales, Molly Doogan is determined to prove the existence of the magical realm of Rairarubia. Desperate for validation, she recruits her best friend and confidante, Netty Pa...
Continued adventures. Seeking revenge for the death of her wicked sister Janu, the deceitful Jenuaq Zenu attempts to seize control of the magical realm of Rairarubia by making clones of Queen Romey and her consort, Sam, and trying to substitute her e...
One hot summer day, thirteen-year-olds Geri Thomas and Jay Thornton try to find a place to cool off so they seek Blue Pool, a dangerous, off-limits area. The two discover adventures they never bargained for as they foolishly hop a slow freight train ...
Revenge on Rairarubia is the thrilling fourth book in the ongoing fantasy-adventure series, The Rairarubia Tales, perfect for readers aged 9 and up. In this captivating installment, Molly Doogan and her friends return to the magical realm of Rairarub...
Funny, irreverent, touching, and provoking, TEACHER, TEACHER, I DECLARE! is a versatile, snappy collection of stories revolving around teachers in the midst of changes great and small. Be advised: These aren't cutesy stories about dogs eating homewor...
THE RING FROM RAIRARUBA, Book 5 in the on-going Rairarubia Tales, once more places Molly Doogan in jeopardy. When her magic pebbles that transport her to Rairarubia disappear, Molly must find another way to return a ring that was mistakenly given to ...
RAIRARUBIA, Book 1 in the award winning, on-going fantasy-adventure series, The Rairarubia Tales, now comes in a new Second Edition. This is the book that begins eleven-year-old Molly Doogan's adventures in a mysterious, timeless land called Rairarub...
Book 6, Richard of Rairarubia, is the concluding book in the Rairarubia Tales, a fantasy-adventure series for ages 9 and up. When Einaem, son of Mammoth, comes to power as the Drahcir of Ruulako, he kidnaps Romey and Sam's youngest daughter, Katherin...
This new edition contains a bibliography for students, parents and teachers listing suggestions, print and other media sources dealing with the problem of bullying. In the story, bullied and mistreated by three schoolmates, Arthur thinks the computer...
Nearing the end of his life, Old asks himself, Does my life ultimately have any importance in any universal scheme? Am I just taking up space? Have I wasted the time given me? What effect have I had on others? Have I unknowingly, worse, knowingly, hu...
SCAR SONGS contains nine stories dealing with male protagonists at various life stages in life who experience events that leave either a psychological or physical memory scar. The stories cover dilemmas such as struggles with family loyalties, guilt ...
In this revised edition, if there is one thread running through most of the stories, it is each protagonist's hauntingly familiar self-reflection and emotion in encountering challenging events and relationships - that is, in going against the current...
Molly and her father let their imaginations run wild as they create a fantastic story, then strange things begin to happen. Is Molly losing her mind, or are the magical elements of the story actually slipping into her life?...