The Sister Circle, book one of this charming contemporary series, introduces Peerbaugh Place, the quaint Victorian house that becomes a refuge to seven women of vastly different ages, personalities, and backgrounds. Through struggles and triumphs, th...
Evelyn is not so sure she likes the new dynamics of Peerbaugh Place. Even though it had been hard adapting to strangers living in her home, she and the other women (from The Sister Circle) had found a calm cove of sisterhood. Now Evelyn is starting o...
Things are ever changing at Peerbaugh Place, and Evelyn Peerbaugh is once again opening her home to new boarders. This time she's got more than she bargained for. With one new tenant whose vanity exceeds all bounds and another who is a doormat to her...
In this fourth book in the Sister Circle series, Evelyn discovers the true purpose of Peerbaugh Place. A Place to Belong also holds a surprise that will shock readers and bring the series to a dramatic and satisfying close....