Vincent Eaton's dark, angry and intense first novel uses police documents, psychological evaluations, interviews, straight narration and interior monologues to chronicle the self-destruction of Tim Buckles. At 28, Buckles appears at first to be leadi...
This is a thin book on a large subject. A headbook as a handbook.It's a compilation of faux scientific studies and comical expert opinion addressing practical methods and current theories in Finding Yourself.The aim is to supply practical examples an...
Brussegem is both a place and a person. But mainly it is a painter. A fully dedicated and fairly isolated American painter living in Europe whose creed is art, and only art. Until Veronica Weise, the wife of another, seeks his attention, companionshi...
The Boy in the Sandwich is a weird, wonderful, exciting adventure, packed with incident and fantasy. From the grape-jelly spiders in the sandwich, to being swallowed by his brother, fighting the monster in the bathroom, the little green men invading ...
"So much of everything isn't the way I'd do it at all. I wouldn't do myself the way I've been done." So begins the story of Zed Cupping, a discontented young husband who struggles against the mediocrity that his everyday existence has become. During ...
Stories of people in confidential conversations. Dialogues between couples, whether two males, two females, male/female, old/young, couples, strangers, people and TVs or two dogs. On love, loss, hope, impropriety, friendship, death, anger, joy. Some ...