A man and his daughter drive into a massive meteor shower that disrupts their lives, but it’s only the beginning. It’s the beginning of the end, or is it? An Apocalyptic tale that focuses on individuals trying to maintain love, hope and family am...
A Post-Apocalyptic world unlike any other. Instead of banding together or fighting each other, here the survivors find a world with few resources, little trust and no desire to intermingle. Fears of disease prevent survivors from reaching out for hel...
Book 1 of the "Catalyst" series. While visiting New Orleans with his family, a young man finds women mysteriously attracted to him. He acts as a catalyst, activating strange abilities in them which he doesn't understand. He's not ready for the respon...
Alex, having returned from New Orleans with a whole new life, tries to become just a normal young man as he returns to school. Can he simply blend in for the next two months despite having several women following him around? And will his abilities re...
Having wrestled with trying to preserve a 'normal' last few months of high school, Alex faces an even harder time, as not only does he have to explain to those he loves what his life has become, but he faces several people who seem to hate him as muc...
Alex seeks to find as many new followers as he can during the limited time he has left, as he comes to grip with the knowledge that his abilities will likely kill him. Before that happens, he hits the road with his sister and an ex-cop serving as a b...
Having struggled to understand his strange abilities, the extent of his responsibilities and his role in life, Alex struggles to provide for those he'll soon leave behind. With time running out, Alex faces life with a new confidence even as events an...
The man telling the country how to survive an apocalyptic event must reach across the country to teach people how to heal themselves. David’s saga continues, only without David, the man who discovered the cure to the diseases afflicting mankind. In...
A young man's curiosity places him on the edge of mankind's extinction. As the boy who provoked death itself, he invited an alien race to rain havoc upon the Earth. But Otis Cruz knows more than the experts can guess, with access to information he ca...
An experimental NASA flight goes horribly wrong, and the unlucky test pilot wakes up unhurt, back home. Struggling to discover what happened, Eric Morgan returns to NASA prepared to face a thousand questions as things continue to unravel around him. ...
The athletes at Windsor High are aiming for big things: careers in professional sports. They don't like making waves, so don't like to stand out. However, when Taylor meets the flamboyant Jacob in the drama department, there's a distinct clash of cul...
"Never Leave Anyone Behind" is a familiar refrain for American Servicemen. A crew is incapacitated in a strange land and a hostile government tries to capture them and steal their resources. What if you're not a member of the military? Do you put you...
Al and Betty aren't like their classmates. They've developed particular skills which set them apart, and which sets them in a search for others like them. As they discover who they might be, they become alienated from friends, family and humanity in ...
Leza's an unusual young woman. She lives with Zombies, protecting and caring for them. In an apocalyptic wasteland, where the living are few, she represents a unique hybrid, a living zombie. She speaks with the undead, and can teach the living how to...
Phil Walker was a normal man -- until the demons invaded his mind. Unsure whether they were real, he resisted until they threatened someone’s life and then took action. The results were immediate. He was questioned by the police, laughed at and ins...
Phil, who was able to fight invisible beings and cure people of their mental illnesses, was 'cured' of his ability by the intervention of the medical establishment. Regaining his abilities, and recognized around the world, he's doubly cautious about ...
When the New York City Police Commissioner is compromised by the death of a city councilman, he appoints Detective Emma Rules to investigate, hoping to circumvent a public witch hunt. But what she uncovers implicates her boss. If she solves the crime...
Unable to find a home and acceptance on Earth, an intrepid band of misplaced youth seeks their ancestral home among the stars. Unfortunately, their reception is not quite what they hoped. The home they discover is a hostile place, involved in a huge ...
Having abandoned their birth-planet, Earth, to find a new, more welcoming home, Al and his crew have only discovered disappointment and a whole new round of rejection. Abandoning their ancestral home, they seek out others like them, and a world which...
Peg has danced around holes her entire life, and not just those in the sidewalks she plays on. Faced with danger, she ventures inside the items she fears most, discovering things she can't comprehend. As the dangers mount and her home becomes unsafe,...
Offered telepathic, psychedelic mushrooms by someone murdered due to what he learned using them, Theo Muller wrestles with his troubled path, uncertain future and his undeniable and unclear role in God's plans.Theo's conceptions of morality are teste...
Logan and Leslie Sykes were always close, but once Aiesha Peters joins them, they discover they share more than just their girlfriend, apparently drawing unseen spirits to them. Join them as they wrestle with these new abilities and their overlapping...