When the American born heir to the kingdom of Kushawa is hidden in an age-qualified retirement community, a battle of wits and tactics develops between the Kushawan Alliance of Royal Princes (KARP), determined to eliminate the infant, and a group of ...
Sixteen year old Janice Parker flies to Iran to spend time with her archeologist father in the desert of Iran. When she arrives, she finds herself caught up in the throes of an impending revolution. After her father is injured, it is up to her to res...
Doll Reynolds, although being pursued by Michael to marry him, is forever expecting her husband to return. She buys a house so Barclay will have a place to plant a garden. Her plans are thwarted left and right by the resident homeowner who balks at a...
Doll Reynolds receives word that her missing husband, Barclay, has been discovered teaching in a South African university. Rather than call the school, she arranges a trip to confirm the information for herself. Six of her Blender friends join her fo...
The Blenders are visiting Mongolia when two of them, Al and Larry, find themselves mistakenly kidnapped by mystery men who think they took two executives in an elaborate ransom plot. When Doll is unable to get help from the police, she dec...
How can a man survive and adjust to a world that he only remembers for macaroni and cheese and Ninja Turtles? When Rim Kwang is released from a North Korean work camp and returns to his family as Brandon McLennan, everything he understood about life ...