The Malice Domestic cozy anthology series returns with a new take on "cozy" mysteries in the Agatha Christie tradition. Here are 22 original stories (and one modern classic reprint) set at conventions, conferences, and gatherings of all kinds Includ...
The Malice Domestic anthology series returns with a new take on mysteries in the Agatha Christie tradition -- 36 original tales with a culinary bent! Included are: A Cup of Tea, by Parnell Hall Brown Recluse, by Marcia Adair A Slice of Heaven,, by La...
The Malice Domestic anthology series returns with 32 original tales in the Agatha Christie tradition -- this time featuring new takes on the traditional mystery. Incuded are works by:Zara Altair, Anne Louise Bannon, Chris Chan, M.M. Chouinard, Jennif...