Critically acclaimed in the UK, Brightstorm is a fast-paced fantasy adventure novel that will set imaginations soaring.Arthur and Maudie Brightstorm receive devastating news: their famous explorer father has died in a failed attempt to reach South Po...
In this spirited sequel, the Brightstorm twins venture to hidden lands in search of a missing explorer and the secrets he uncovered.The ragtag crew of Captain Harriet Culpepper is off on another adventure! Ermitage Wrigglesworth, the notable explorer...
“Warden Griffin at your service. Can I ask if you’ve seen a monster in the area . . . ?” Grace’s family are wardens of the Griffin Map, using its teleport technology to fight crime across Moreland. Although Grace is still ...
Grace's family are wardens of the incredible Griffin Map, using its teleport technology to fight crime across Moreland. Right now it's all systems go at Griffin HQ, where Grace, her mum and her brother have their hands full answering a huge number of...
Grace's family are wardens of the Griffin map, using its teleport technology to fight crime across Moreland. And now there's someone new on the team: Tom Eely, who has been training hard to become a warden.Grace and Tom reckon they're ready to tackle...
From sweltering sun to a wild snowstorm, wardens Grace and Tom must brave the elements to save the day in this thrilling Griffin Gate adventure from bestseller Vashti Hardy.It’s the height of summer in Moreland, and Grace Griffin and her fellow war...
Embark on an action-packed quest to find the lost town of clockwork in the first of a new fantasy adventure series from Vashti Hardy, packed with her trademark STEM inventions.Mabel and Will Greystone are looking forward to an exciting holiday with t...
Hana joins the Moonlight Mystery Agency to help Spark the bionic unicorn find her missing birthday cake in the first of an exciting new series from bestseller Vashti Hardy. Hana has always longed to have a pet of her own. So when a cat turns up at he...