Reeling from an abusive and destructive marriage, ex-model Katha reaches out to a young boy whose family has virtually abandoned him, and together they face a journey through family betrayal, loss, independence, and self-esteem...
When Robert, Patrick, and Irene met in New York, they were all determined to become actors, and it felt as if the city--indeed, the world--could be their oyster. Robert was the good-looking, ambitious one. Patrick was tall, ungainly, but naturally dr...
"We set our sights on each other almost from the beginning." So begins The Master's Muse, an exquisite, deeply affecting novel about the true love affair between two artistic legends: George Balanchine, the Russian émigré to America who is widely ...
Praise for the Previous Novels of Varley O’Connor“Thoroughly researched and lively.” -- Vogue“Elegantly wrought, hardheaded, and tenderhearted.” -- Michael Chabon“Honesty and compassion inform every page, and there are passages so music...