"Tailored after the actual ""Crow Killer"" John Johnson, Sam Minard is a mountain man who seeks the freedom that the Rocky Mountains offers trappers. After his beloved Indian wife is murdered, Sam Minard becomes obsessed with vengeance, and his fortu...
He is a full-grown man, alone in dense forest, with no trail to show where he has come from and no memory to tell who - or what - he is. His eyes are not the eyes of a human. The forest people take him in and raise him almost as a child, teaching him...
LUST AND REDEMPTION, SIN AND SALVATION -- THE EPIC NOVEL OF A YOUNG ROMAN IN THE FLESHPOTS OF AN ANCIENT WORLD.HE SAW HIS MOTHER BURNED AT THE STAKEThis soul-searching experience changed an innocent young Roman into a pleasure-seeking hedonist lustin...
DARK BRIDWELL is a brutal novel of the American frontier. A lost treasure of early 20th century fiction, it has been hailed as one of the ten greatest novels in all of American literature. A fierce, touching and unforgettable novel about about a pion...