Tensions simmer as a small town, already divided by race, is torn apart by the deadliest of hurricanes. THE HELP meets TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD in this powerfully emotional and gripping debut novel. In the small town of Heron Key, where the relationship...
Under a Dark Summer Sky is a stunning debut novel, at once a love story set in a time of great turmoil and a vivid depiction of a major natural disaster. Florida, 1935. In Heron Key, relationships are as tangled as the swamp's mangrove roots. It's...
Meet Alicia Cortez: survivor, healer...murderer?1993, Key West, Florida. When a Ku Klux Klan official is shot in broad daylight, all eyes turn to the person holding the gun: a 96-year-old Cuban woman who will say nothing except to admit her guilt.191...
‘Exquisite’ Veronica HenryBefore A Christmas Carol there was… Miss MarleyA seasonal tale of kindness and goodwillOrphans Clara and Jacob Marley live by their wits, scavenging for scraps in the poorest alleyways of London, in the shadow of the w...
''Exquisite'' Veronica HenryBefore A Christmas Carol there was. Miss MarleyA seasonal tale of kindness and goodwillOrphans Clara and Jacob Marley live by their wits, scavenging for scraps in the poorest alleyways of London, in the shadow of the workh...