In Due East, South Carolina, the lives of Becky Purdue, Marygail Dugan, Mary Faith Rapple, and a collection of other locals unfold as they struggle with temptation, adversity, and the powerful effect of the Catholic Church...
1992, trade paperback reprint edition, Laurel / Dell, NY. 325 pages. Acclaimed novel by the South Carolina author, her third book. A Yankee woman settles in the deep South--think pecan trees, mansions, and Spanish moss. All is not right in the world ...
Sayers's gift for delineating family relationships against the microcosm of a small Southern town grows more assured with each novel. This third book to be set in Due East, S.C., focuses on the Irish Catholic Rooney family, outsiders in the commu...
Off his medication and slowly going mad, Timothy Rooney, aging boy wonder of the South Carolina lowlands, heads for New York City to search for Bernadette, an ex-wife from a six-day marriage, and to spend the fifteen thousand dollars he has hidden in...
1941 is a year of drama and spectacle for Americans. Joe DiMaggio’s record-breaking hitting streak enlivens the summer, and winter begins with the shock and horror of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The news from Europe is bleak, especiall...
In the spirit of Muriel Spark and Walker Percy, The Age of Infidelity's eleven stories embrace the comic, the absurd, and the dead serious. Faithless parents betray their children, the young betray the old, and lovers betray each other--but somehow t...