The exciting sequel to an original Minecraft adventure After a shocking betrayal, Zan and his team mates gear up for their next mission. Using their team mates unique talents, they put together a plan that will help them win the King’s Games. Someo...
Enter the final episode of this exciting trilogy. The Iron Guild is missing one of they most important players and in the face of the King’s Games, they may falter on the field without them. Time is running out for Zan. He knows that this might be ...
After saving the world from an army of unleashed Minecraft mobs, Dan and his friends thought their work was done. But now their help is needed once more, as a swarm of deadly Minecraft mobs have been spotted once again â€" this time in the Pacific...
From Amazon's Bestselling Children's Author - A story packed full of action, adventure, and most of all, fun
The Minecraft Mob Hunters are back with their biggest challenge yet. After defeating a horde of Minecraft monsters and discovering Doctor...
Now with pictures to read along From Amazon's Bestselling Children's Author - A story packed full of action, adventure, and most of all, fun
Dan is a master Minecraft player - but even his abilities are tested when he's faced with the Minecraf...
Continue the story of Minecrafts first Super Heroes ***Get this Amazon Best Seller now for the special promotion price of $2.99! Regularly priced at $4.99*** The Super Mob Squad saw amazing success. With the loss of one of their team and the disappea...
The Super Mob Squad is back in action ***READ FREE WITH KINDLE UNLIMITED - BONUS RIGHT AFTER CONCLUSION*** Punchy, Bone, Spinstress and the gang are back in another installment of the exciting Super Mob Squad series. When we last saw our heroes it s...