The first book in a four part series, Rebellion Witness recalls the historic events of 1773 as witnessed through the eyes of Paul Revere's teenage son. He grows up quickly as American struggles at the start of the fight for freedom. Culminating in th...
The second book in a four part series, Apprentice Witness retells the historic events of 1775 as witnessed through the eyes of Paul Revere's teenage son. Boston struggles under the threat and occupation by the British forces. Building up to the invas...
The third book in a four part series, Boston Witness retells the historic events of 1776 as witnessed through the eyes of Paul Revere's teenage son. As Boston prepares for War, Paul Jnr wrestles with his feelings of affection for Kitty and becomes a ...
The final part of the American Revolution Witness series sees our hero face his hardest physical challenge as he puts in his own final contribution on the path to American Independence. Find out what price he has to pay for fighting for liberty.My fa...