Psychologist Meghann O'Neill specializes in treating abused women and children and is also a vampire, created by a sadistic creature named Simon Baldevar, who has now come back seeking revenge by murdering her patients, but Meghann refuses to play hi...
Meghann O'Neill once dreamed of having a child, but that was a long time ago. It was before she had been seduced into a relationship of pleasure and pain, excitement and torture. It was before she had been transformed into a vampire by Lord Simon Bal...
Decades have passed since Meghann O'Neill fell in love with Simon Baldevar, a vampire who bestowed upon her his gift of immortality...and bound her to him with the birth of their twin children... Separated At Birth My name is Elizabeth, and I ha...
Lord Simon Baldevar knew that vampires would walk in daylight once the offspring of two vampires was born. A child whose intermingled blood excised of the weaknesses that kept the immortals ensnared in darkness. Determined to see sunlight again and h...