In the blazing, daring spirit of Cormac McCarthy, The Fire Line is an unforgettable journey in the company of Reed Kitchen, a lifelong railway worker with the uncanny ability to unearth the secrets of others. Part lunatic, part visionary, Reed traver...
Trevor Ferguson returns to the wilderness of land and soul. The late critic Ken Adachi once wrote of Trevor Ferguson: Ferguson writes as if he were on a wild binge, as if he were determined to compensate us for all the tidily assembled and yet listl...
The River Burns tells the story of a small town in crisis, the mistakes people make, and the courage it takes to heal a community after a horrific act of destruction. Wakefield is a small town where a unique collection of longstanding citizens has...
Woolsey and Ramsey are a pair of young adventurous sheep who think they have the world figured out. Straying away from the herd to discover food, fun and the unusual appeals to their youthful natures. However, it's not long before they are joined by ...
With engaging illustrations and a delightful storyline, Cyan the Cat is a must-read for children aged 4 to 12. This enchanting book sparks imagination, promotes empathy, and encourages a love for the natural world. Young readers will be captivated by...