Successful Manhattan psychotherapist Brooke Parrish falls for Taylor Hudson, a handsome, ambitious ivestment banker with a prestigious New York firm who is trapped in a loveless marriage, but the situation is complicated when Taylor's wife, Kiernan M...
ENTER THE WORLD OF “GUCCI, GLITZ, AND GLAMOUR”* IN THIS DELICIOUSLY DECADENT LOOK INTO THE LIVES OF THE YOUNG, THE RICH, THE BEAUTIFUL, AND THE CONNIVINGPaulette, Gillian, and Reese are three gold diggers who have dollar signs in their eyes and g...
Tracie Howard is back with all of the Gucci, glitz, and glamour in this steamy follow-up to her smash hit Gold Diggers! Gillian Tillman learned all about landing a wealthy man from her globe-trotting mother, Imelda, but this second-generation gold d...