Set in late 10th century France and Wales, The Viking Hostage weaves together the stories of three women living through a time of turbulent power struggles across Europe, Viking raids, and fears of The End of Time. Sigrid is a Pagan and a Norwegian w...
1093. The three sons of William the Conqueror - Robert Duke of Normandy, William II King of England and Count Henry - fight with each other for control of the Anglo-Norman kingdom created by their father's conquest. Meanwhile, Nest ferch Rhys, the d...
1107. Henry I finally reigns over England, Normandy and Wales, but his rule is far from secure. He faces a series of treacherous assassination attempts, and rebellion in Normandy is scuppering his plans to secure a marriage for his son and heir.Wi...
Octavio Paz meets J.G. Ballard meets David Attenborough in these suspenseful and lyrical future fiction tales of hybrid species and aqua technologies. ‘Meanda’ takes place on an ocean exoplanet and is a story of first contact. ‘Asbruâ...
1121. The trail of a mass murderer and a hunt for a runaway nun. King Henry I has lost his heir in the sinking of The White Ship and his reign is fraught with the succession crisis. The king is obsessed with relics and prophecies. He summons his daug...
1093. Beatriz de Farrera is a trobairitz (a female troubadour) at the court of Toulouse. She sings of love but intends to evade marriage and romantic entanglements. Her patron Lady Philippa is heiress to the rich city and county of Toulouse.Philippa'...