The Hardwicks of Morholm find the security of their comfortable and affluent existence shattered by the death of their patriarch, Joseph, and the arrival of their beautiful, orphaned cousin. Gentle, naive, and generous, Mary works as a catalyst on th...
Rebecca Walsoken's love for handsome fenman Luke Taplin becomes threatened by the ruthlessness and pious tyranny of her father, Joshua Walsoken, and by a bitter feud between Walsoken and the Hardwicks of Morholn...
Friendship turns to bitter rivalry for Hannah March, the daughter of a laborer, and spoiled and wealthy Isabel Goodwin as their idyllic childhood bond is broken by romance and the dawn of the modern age....
Having made a new start fifteen years after witnessing her parents' brutal murder, elementary school teacher Carol Halstead is terrified when she realizes that the face of one of her favorite new students is eerily familiar...
'A kind of latterday Hardy of the fens' - REAY TANNAHILL 'A beautifully written new novel' - FIFE FREE PRESS It's 1920 and, the years of wartime rationing over, the inhabitants of the seaside resort of Shipden are turning again to the good things of ...