The Seeds of Nightmares is the first collection of short fiction by horror and genre author Tony Tremblay, under his own name. This collection includes many of his published stories (under the pseudonym, T. T. Zuma), as well as the novellette, The St...
With THE MOORE HOUSE, Tony Tremblay takes us on a terrifying journey. Three excommunicated nuns, Nora, Agnes, and Celeste, join a paranormal unit sanctioned by the Catholic Church, in the hopes for redemption in God’s eyes. As empaths, their jobs a...
Following his critically hailed first collection The Seeds of Nightmares, and fresh off his Bram Stoker-nominated novel The Moore House, Tony Tremblay offers up his second collection of tales in Blue Stars and Other Tales of Darkness. As with his fir...
Out in the darkness a mournful whistle howls, the ground shakes, and steam hisses as the Fright Train rumbles into the station. From the Victorian Age to contemporary times, fear rides the rails in these tales set on and around trains of all kinds. C...
Goffstown, New Hampshire has seen its share of supernatural mayhem, murder, and monsters. With the banishment of the demon James Moore, some in the town believed their bloody past was behind them. The devil knows better. For weeks, an old crippled ...